Yay, eventhough i am not doing my task about " Psikologi Lingkungan" i`m just feeling fine. With no guilty inside.......nyahahahahaha ( siap-siap aja begadang besok malam...^ ^). Guess why?????
yap, that is because AKIHIDE!!!!!
i`m just open his official site on AKIHIDE PLAY GUITAR .
God, that is brand new akichi`s site. Look so nice........!!!!*drool*
i love his long hair, looks much HYDE alike. oh no, he is Aki, not hyde.
Makin tjakep aja akichi-kuh......hahahaha
yap, that is because AKIHIDE!!!!!
i`m just open his official site on AKIHIDE PLAY GUITAR .
God, that is brand new akichi`s site. Look so nice........!!!!*drool*
i love his long hair, looks much HYDE alike. oh no, he is Aki, not hyde.
Makin tjakep aja akichi-kuh......hahahaha
ah... nemu nyang suka akihide juga. yoroshiku. ternyata ada juga yang manggil dia akicchi... hahahaha
BalasHapusgue kadang suka iseng nerjemahin blog aki-san, tapi karna susahnya setengah mati, jadi udah mandeg berpost-post. ^^;;